M.Waqas Chughtai    Like my page **IT WORLD** MOB:03344025232

Sunday, 21 April 2013

TO BECOME Anonymous, Hide IP ,Hide HHD, Hide identity

TO BECOME Anonymous, Hide IP ,Hide HHD, Hide identity
Becoming Anonymous



Basically what I am trying to say in this section is, before you go out hacking other people and other things, just check for a second and make sure it's not as easy to hack your device. There are some pretty simple steps for this though.

Make sure all your security updates are installed, if you have windows firewall disable it.
Download your own firewall. If you are behind a router you can skip this.
Make sure all unused ports are closed.

Check your msconfig, run a few HJT logs and Malwarebyte's to make sure you are not already infected.

Use a keyscambler to prevent keyloggers

It is important that you are not infected because other could see you hacking and steal it from you or alternitively, if they get caught, you get caught. On the other hand you might want to stay infected by a bot or RAT so if and when you are caught you can claim you had know knowledge and the bot controlled your PC and performed the hackl without your knowledge. However I am not someone who intends to be caught. (I'm not really a black hat either)

I don't personally use an AV for many reasons reasons:

It is possible to make an FUD virus, this is likely to be what you get infected with.
It often goes around deleting your stuff without asking.
They slow down your PC and often hog the CPU.
Whilst performing updates it slows down your connection.

FireWall: (not tested)




Friday, 19 April 2013

Cookie Stealing Attack...

 Cookie Stealing Attack...

Using this method you can hack Any Account like Facebook ,Twitter , Gmail ,Hotmail ,Skype and yahoo etc.

This is my favorite method. this is work only At LAN(local Area Network) . its best place to hack at university, cafe , public place where computer are on one LAN simple Example WI-Fi.

#What is Cookies And how the use of stealing cookies?

Cookies are file’s that stored on Any computer’s By any website when a you visits them . the cookie used by the web server to check the authenticate the Real user .like you Enter Login in Facebook then a unique string’s Generated and the one copy saved in the web server and other is saved on your Browser as a Cookie file . both are matched when you open a Account. 
so then finally we will start.

Download the Wire Shark and install it.
Link : @comment

Next open the wire shark and then click on interface.

Next choose a interface which is received and sending packet and click on start.

Continue the sniffing for around like 10 minutes.

After a maximum 10 minute stop the sniffing by going to a capture menu.

its important step,
now filter to http.cookie contains “datr”. Then filter the all search for http cookies with a name of datr and there is Facebook authentication’s cookie.

Now click on it and then goto the copy > Bytes > Printable Text only

Step #8
Now for next step you must have 3 thing,
1. Mozilla Firefox [browser]
2. Grease Monkey[add-on]
3. Cookie injector[code]

All links @ comments

and then open make sure you are not login

Step #9
Press the button Alt C to bring up a cookie injector and then Simply paste in a cookie value into it.

Step #10
Now refresh your page so then finally you Enter the Victim Account.

/* Only for Educational Purpose */

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Delete administrator Password

How to "Delete administratorPassword"

without any software
Method 1:
Boot up with DOS and delete the
and sam.log files from Windows
\system32\confi ­­g in your hard
drive. Now
when you boot up in NT the
password on
your built-in administrator account
will be blank (i.e No password). This
solution works only if your hard
drive is FAT
Method 2:
Step 1. Put your hard disk of your
computer in any other pc .
Step 2. Boot that computer and use
hard disk as a secondaryhard disk
boot as primary hard disk ).
Step 3. Then open that drive in
which the
victim’s window(or your window)is
Step 4. Go to location windows-
>system ­
Step 5. And delete SAM.exe and
Step 6. Now remove hard disk
andput in
your computer.
Step 7. And boot your computer:-)
there are many more
methods ..using
which u can reset the administrator

Sunday, 14 April 2013


How to get window 8 start screen?

 How to get window 8 start screen?

After the Launch of Windows 8, most of us would obviously like to have that start screen of it. The live tiles kinda metro Start Up screen and you don't want Windows 8 on its whole!

Then here is a Software for You using which You will be able to Get the Windows 8 Start Screen on Your Windows 7 OS !

Just Download the Below setup File and Install it! Your Done! Enjoy Windows 8 :)

Download from this ---->LINK

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Make Your Facebook Account Hard To Hack

Make Your Facebook Account Hard To Hack

A step by step guide

All of the Facebook users are recommended to follow these steps and ensure their Facebook account is safe from hackers.
1. Enable HTTPS

Using HTTPS instead of simple HTTP means that you are securing your communication between the server and your computer. No one will be able to hack between your computer and the server. Without it you’re exposed to sniffing attacks on the network; for example, if you’re using a public Wi-Fi to access Facebook via plain HTTP, someone using the Firesheep add-on for Firefox can easily retrieve your data. HTTPS makes it a lot harder to do that.


To Enable the secure login go to Account Settings > Security > Secure Browsing 

2. Enable login notifications

Enabling login notifications in Facebook will notify you when someone logs in from a new or suspicious location or computer. This is important if you always use your Facebook from the same computer and same Internet connection, Facebook will know your location and will trust the computer you’re working on. If you or someone else logs in from another location, you’ll get a notification from Facebook about the suspicious account activity.

To enable login notification, go to Account Settings > Security > Login Notifications

You should also check Facebook Login history regularly and see if any suspicious person has logged into your Facebook account. Facebook history will tell you the recent IP addresses and devices used to login to your Facebook account.

3. Use Facebook two-step authentication (Login Approvals)

Two-step authentication OR Login Approvals lets you login to your Facebook account by using your password plus a security authentication code sent to your mobile device. By enabling this service, you will no longer be able to login to Facebook by only using your password. You will always be required to use the password and security code sent to your mobile device. If somebody acquires your password, he will still need the authentication code to login.

To Enable the two-step authentication go to Account Settings > Security > Login Approval

4. Use Facebook one-time password service on public computers

Facebook new one-time password is an amazing service that can prevent you from hacking threats when you are using an unreliable computer. This One-time password is a temporary password which can only be used once and expires within 20 minutes of creation. This service is very useful when you quickly want to check your Facebook account for updates or new messages at a new place.

Just type in sms “otp” and send it to 32665 from your cell phone. To enable this service, you’ll need to activate a phone number so that Facebook can send messages to your mobile. To register and activate a phone number you can go to Account Settings > Mobile (from the menu at left).

5. Check Your Facebook Applications Frequently

It is important that you should always keep an eye on which application you have allowed and what that application is doing. You should never install an app that looks suspicious. Some of the apps can pull alot of your personal data from your profile without your knowledge. Read THIS POST( for details. So it is always the best practice to search the Internet for its reviews and install the app only if it has good rating.

6. Check For The Phishing Scam

Phishing( is the easiest method of hacking any password. Sometimes scammers will set up a fake page to look like a Facebook login page, hoping to get you to enter your email address and password. So Always make sure you check the page’s URL (web address) before you enter your login information. When in doubt, you can always type “” into your browser to get back to the real Facebook site.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

How to Become a Hacker......

...........How to Become a Hacker


1. Learn TCP/IP, Basic Information
gathering, Proxies, Socks, SSL, VPN,
VPS, RDP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, Telnet,
2. Learn Linux, Unix, Windows - You
can do this using vmware or any
virtual desktop utility.
3. Learn a programming language
that's compatible with all OS - Perl,
Python, C .
4. Learn HTML, PHP, Javascript,
5. Learn Reverse engineering and
crack some programs for serials
easy ones like mirc, winzip, winrar
or old games.
6. Code a fuzzer for common
protocols - ftp, pop3, 80, 8080 -
Pick some free software like ftp
server, mail server, apache or iis
webserver or a webserver all-in-one
pack, or teamspeak, ventrilo,
7. Code a tool that uses grep to sort
out unique code in source codes.
8. Make a custom IPtable, IPsec
firewall that blocks all incoming
traffic and out going traffic and add
filters to accept certain ports that
your software or scripts use.
9. Pick a kernel in linux or unix,
also pick a Microsoft OS version lets
say Winxp pro sp2 put them on the
virtual desktops (vmware) and find
and code a new local exploit in
those versions, then install a Apache
webserver on the Linux/Unix and a
IIS webserver on the winxp pro and
attempt to find and code a new
local reverse_tcp_shell exploit.
10. Learn Cisco Router and Switch
configuration and setup.
11. Learn Checkpoint Setup and
12. Learn Wifi scanning, cracking,
13. Pick a person in you phonebook
for the area code you live in or city
then ring the person on a
anonymous line like skype or a
payphone or a carded sim and
attempt to social engineer the
person for his name, address, data
of birth, city born, country born,
ISP connected with, Phone company
connected with, What bank he/she
uses and anything else you can get.
Then Attempt to ring using a spoof
caller ID software with the person's
phone number - call the ISP and try
reset the password to his/her
internet connection/ webmail, get
access to bank account or ask them
to send out a new *** to a new
address (drop) with a new pin, reset
of phone company passwords.
14. Use your information gathering
skills to get all the information off a
website like a shop then use the
spoof callerID software or hack
your phone to show a new number
of the Webserver's Tech Support
number then ring the shop owner
and try get the shop site password.
15. Do the same thing but attempt
to use a web attack against a site or
shop to gain admin access.
16. Once got access upload a shell
and attempt to exploit the server to
gain root using a exploit you coded
not someone else s exploit.
17. Make your own Linux Distro
18. Use your own Linux Distro or
use a vanilla Linux gnome (not kde)
keep it with not much graphics so
you can learn how to depend on the
terminal and start from scratch
install applications that you will
only need for a blackbox (Security
test box), make folders for fuzzers,
exploits, scanners..etc Then load
them up with your own scripts and
other tools ( By this stage you
shouldn't need to depend on other
peoples scripts).
19. Learn macosx and attempt to
gain access to a Macosx box
whether it be your own or
someones else s.
20. Create a secure home network
and secure your own systems with
your own Security policies and
firewall settings.
All this isn't a over night learning it
will take a nice 3 - 4 years to learn
a bit of this 5+ years to learn most
of it and even then you may need
time to keep learn as IT keeps
changing everyday.